Sir Ken Morrison – The passing of a truly great grocer and man
It is with immense sadness, and we have to say heartfelt appreciation and gratitude, that we have learnt of the
passing of Sir Ken Morrison CBE.
Sir Ken is one the most distinguished businessmen that we have had the pleasure of knowing. His story is one of
remarkable achievement, taking a small family business in West Yorkshire to become a national grocery institution.
Without Sir Ken many hundreds of thousands of British families and businesses would not have had their working
and commercial livelihoods; many folks will be thankful to him this day.
His character, with its lovely quirkiness and idiosyncrasy, is written large in the Morrison business today; traits that
we are pleased to see the current CEO, David Potts CBE, keep alive and kicking.
Sir Ken had a great empathy with shoppers, unwavering high standards, a huge retailing imagination, a naughty
sense of humour and just a proper way of doing things that many will say is sadly too lacking these days. His
passing is an immense loss to an industry and a country, in fact, for which few are held in higher regard.
We are sure that there will be an understandable dark cloud hanging over the Morrison business today, epitomised
by Chairman Andrew Higginson’s comment that the organisation is ‘profoundly sad’ to hear of the loss of their
Founder and Life President. However, from this shock and sense of grief, we can all also clearly see Sir Ken’s
achievements and celebrate what was a quite stunningly brilliant career.
Finally, Shore Capital is very proud to serve Wm. Morrison Supermarkets as a broker. We would like to express our
sincere thanks for the support that Sir Ken has given to us as individuals and in business over many years and to
express our condolences to his family at this very difficult time.
Rest in peace the truly great Sir Ken Morrison.
Clive Black