Shore Capital present Transaction of the Year at the AIM Awards 2014

AIM Transaction of the Year award

Shore Capital’s Dru Danford (far right) presents Transaction of the Year at the recent AIM Awards.

Shore Capital sponsored and presented the AIM Transaction of the Year Award at this year’s AIM Awards ceremony. This award recognises a company that has been transformed by a single financial or commercial transaction during the period under review. This is necessarily a wide ranging award, given to recognise a significant achievement by a company in transforming itself, literally at a stroke, and thereby creating significant shareholder value. This year’s winner was Alternative Networks plc.

The AIM Awards look at how companies and individuals harness AIM to power their growth and fulfil their strategy.   AIM is one of the most important platforms to help smaller and growing companies raise the capital they need for expansion. The AIM Awards scrutinises recent joiners and more established companies, as well as the advisers and commentators, to identify the stars of the last twelve months across ten categories.

The Awards cover the period 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2014.You can find out more about the AIM Awards on their website.


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