Shore Capital nominated for UK corporate broking house of the year

Financial News recently announced that Shore Capital is nominated for 2015 UK Corporate Broking House of the Year.

Shore Capital scored a coup in July, when alongside Credit Suisse, it won the mandate for £4.2 billion market cap retailer WM Morrison Supermarkets. With FTSE 100 mandates closely fought for, and with large companies usually preferring to opt for the security of an international name, the mandate was a testimony to Shore Capital’s reputation, largely build on much smaller firms. A month later it score another big win when it was made joint corporate broker to soft drinks make AG Barr. Shore has offices in Liverpool, Edinburgh and Gurnsey and FN reported at the time that this regional presence helped it clinch the AG Barr mandate.

We are delighted at this nomination, particularly given we are only one of two non-bulge bracket banks to be nominated.

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